
dijous, d’agost 09, 2007

What kind of information do you need when you plan a travel?

I am working as project coordinator related to information society.

One of these projects is study what kind of information about Balearic Islands (Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Formentera) the tourists search for on internet before, during and after their journey and in which format they would like to receive it.

We have published first conclusions here. www.ibit.org/home/en/bitacora/bitacora.php?id=1424

We need some responds for a survey. I need your help:

The survey is to be found under:

in English: enquestes.ibit.org/touristicinformation
in German: enquestes.ibit.org/touristischeinformation
in Spanish: enquestes.ibit.org/informacionturistica

We kindly ask you to fulfill the survey and according to the possibilities to distribute the links of the survey. The results of the study will be published at the end of 2007.

Thank you in advance for your help.