Al.lucin de que hi hagi gent que sigui capaç de crear tantes opinions sobre temes com per exemple, una gran quantitat de restaurants de Pollença. O sigui, una sola persona opinant sobre desenes de restaurants. Això significa que aquesta visitant ha sopat o dinat cada dia que ha estat de vacances en un restaurant diferent! durant tots els anys que deu haver vingut!
Arrel d'això descobresc YUKU, un gestor d'identitats i d'aportacions a forums i blogs. I el concepte BLORUM.
"A blorum is a blog and forum in one place. Creating a blog or forum is easy with the "Create Blog" and "Create Forum" wizards in Yuku. After using the wizard you can personalize the blorum pages and features to meet your needs. Just go to Manage Domain in the menu to configure your Domain and blorums any way you want.
In addition to personalizing the look of your Domain and Blorums you can configure them to allow from one to any number of Profiles post and read. So you can have a private diary blog, a blog where three or four Profiles post all the way to a wide open discussion board forum. The choice is yours and you can change the settings at any time."
YUKU a la wikipedia.
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