N'expòs alguns que aniré seguint segons el meu tema d'interés.
Repassant-los me n'adon que molts tenen un càrrec d'"evangelitzadors" dins la companyia per la qual treballen. És el càrrec d'"evangelitzador" un nou perfil de feina? Sembla que l'ús d'una determinada tecnologia és gràcies a aquest tipus d'estratègies sobre "evangelitzar".
danah boyd
PhD Student, UC Berkeley
Blog: apophenia
boyd is a PhD student in Information Management at the University of California, Berkeley. She develops social visualizations, collects ethnographic data and builds on social science and humanities theories in order to understand how people negotiate their presentation of self in mediated social contexts to an unknown audience. Recently, danah has been studying Friendster, blogs and journals.
Buzz Bruggeman
Founder & CEO: ActiveWords
Blog: buzzmodo
Bruggeman is a founder and EVP of ActiveWords Inc. where he is responsible for all marketing, evangelizing, and business development. Bruggeman. a DEMO God 2004 Award recipient, speaks regularly as a champion of both his company and the benefits of blogging as a low-cost, highly effective marketing tool on a global level.
Jupitermedia recently named ActiveWords as the 3rd Best Software Product of the year, after OpenOffice and Microsoft 2003. Bruggeman also serves on the advisory board of DEMO.
Henry Copeland
Founder, BlogAds
Convinced that blogs are a lifeboat for what’s best in journalism and that blog readers could be uniquely helpful to smart advertisers, in March 2002, Copeland started brainstorming on a service to connect bloggers and advertisers. Here’s the original Blogads manifesto. Today Blogads.com connects hundreds of blogs with a spectrum of advertisers including Time Warner, JohnKerry.com, The Republican National Committee, The New Republic, Rhino Records, O’Reilly Media and Bagnews.
Lisa Poulson
President, Kirtland Enterprise Group
Poulson has more than 15 years experience in communications and marketing developed at a major technology company, small start ups and at one of the world’s largest public relations agencies. She brings a deep understanding of the processes of persuasion and building credibility to her work – reaching target audiences via programs designed to meet her clients’ business objectives. During her tenure at Sun Microsystems, Lisa launched the Java technology to business, trade and consumer press and analysts -- taking it from a lab project to an international force in software. She created and ran the worldwide PR campaign that evangelized software Java technology to software developers– in the face of intense competition. Lisa also led the communications strategy and served as spokesperson for the Sun v. Microsoft and US v. Microsoft lawsuits, building rare expertise in litigation communications.Lenn Pryor
Director, Platform Evangelism
Microsoft Corporation
Blog: Glittering Generality
Pryor is Microsoft's director of platform evangelism and manages the team behind Channel 9. Channel 9 combines video blogging, wikis, RSS, and a forums-based comments engine to bring Microsoft and its developers closer together through transparency and dialogue. Channel 9 was inspired by United Airline’s in-flight audio channel of the same name in which passengers can listen in to hear pilots and Air Traffic Control guiding flights in real-time. Lenn and his team launched Channel 9 as a rogue effort inside Microsoft on April 5, 2004 without use of traditional advertising or media to promote it. To date, an average of 700,000 developers have visited the site each month including a growing base of over 5,700 developers who post regularly to the site.
Pryor has been at Microsoft for seven years and has worked with developers worldwide to help them succeed on Microsoft platforms such as Windows, IE, .NET, Windows Mobile, and the upcoming Windows “Longhorn.” Previously, Pryor co-founded two San Francisco-based Web consulting firm.Steve Rubel
Vice President, Client Services: CooperKatz & Company
Blog: Micro Persuasion Weblog
Rubel is a PR strategist with more than 10 years of public relations, journalism, and marketing communications experience. He currently serves as vice president, client services, at CooperKatz & Company, a mid-size New York City public relations firm.
Rubel is an expert in integrating Weblogs into traditional consumer and B2B public relations campaigns. He authors the Micro Persuasion Weblog, which tracks how the blogosphere and participatory journalism are changing the public relations practice.
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